Lenten Book Club
Thursdays at 7 PM
Meets in the Rectory
2/15, 2/22, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22
Join us as we read a book together during Lent. We will be reading the short book Law & Gospel: A Theology for Sinners (and Saints). Open to 10 people. Please sign up on the sheet in the narthex. Books can be purchased for a discount price of $7.50, contact Ben for details.
Here's the blurb about the book from Amazon:
There’s a big difference between judgment and love, obligation and freedom, a wage and a gift. The difference characterizes an extraordinary amount of our day-to-day experience, often dividing fear from hope, and death from life. At the heart of Christianity lies a similar and related dynamic: between the Law and the Gospel. Far from being a reductive or antiquated distinction, understanding where one ends and the other begins allows a person to see both the Bible and themselves—indeed, the whole world!—in a fresh and enlivening way. Written with the non-theologian in mind, this short volume unpacks the good news of God’s grace with practicality, humor, and a whole lot of heart.