We joyfully respond to God's gift of grace to us in Jesus Christ, and to God's work in our midst at Holy Trinity, by faithfully giving towards the work of this parish. Annual Stewardship is a joyful and generous response to God's gracious gift to us.
You may return your pledge card by placing it in the offering plate on Sundays, mailing to the church office, filling in the online pledge card here or below.
Please submit your pledge by November 20, 2020.
Join us for Consecration Sunday & the Feast of Christ the King, November 22, 2021. We will have a celebrate God’s faithfulness in 2020 at our 10 AM service (both in-person & virtually.) And be sure to join us for Consecration Sunday Virtual BYO “Brunch” at 11:30 AM after the joint service at 10 AM. We’ll catch up, fellowship, and give thanks for the faithfulness of our congregation, as well as announce the total pledged (to-date) for 2021. Join the Brunch HERE.
Please direct any questions about giving/pledge cards to Mark Sienkiewicz, treasurer, or Ben Maddison, our rector. Thank you for your generosity to Holy Trinity Episcopal Church.