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Thurs, April 14 at 7 PM
"Love one another as I have loved you." This commandment (mandatum in Latin) is at the heart of the Maundy Thursday liturgy. Join us for this powerful service that begins the Triduum, the holiest three days of the Christian year.
Join us for the Community Good Friday Service at 11 AM at St. Paul’s UMC (W. Deptford)
Fri, April 15 at 7 PM
On the second day of the Triduum we walk with Jesus, his mother, and the disciples as Jesus offer himself, through his faithfulness and death, for the world.
Sat, April 16 at 9 AM
This simple service remembers that Jesus's offering of himself--his giving up of his authority and might--did not reach its end at the shame of the cross, but went even lower into death, the grave, and even hell itself.
Sat, April 16 at 7 PM
On the last day of the Triduum, we keep watch with patriarch, prophets, and martyrs, hearing from the beginning the work of God for the salvation of the world. We look with hope at the tomb containing the Son of God, betrayed and killed for the sins of the world, and find that very tomb empty and victorious over Sin & Death forever. In our surprise and joy, we remember that God does not abandon his people, but acts with mighty power, unconditional grace, and abundant mercy to bring all people back to God's self. You won't want to miss it!
Sun, April 17 at 8 &10 AM
Christ the Lord is Risen! Today we celebrate the victory of Christ over death, the joyous, surprisings, and life-changing reality of the completion of God's plan for the salvation of the world. Celebrate with us new life in Christ extended to each one of us, and hear again the Good News of God's immeasurable love and unconditional grace for everyone!