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Sunday, March 28 at 10 AM
”Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!” On this day we remember Jesus’s Triumphal entry into Jerusalem. This day marks the shift from the reflection and penetrance of Lent into that for which we have been waiting: Jesus’ final days. Join us in the powerful and dramatic service.
Thurs, April 1 at 7 PM
"Love one another as I have loved you." This commandment (mandatum in Latin) is at the heart of the Maundy Thursday liturgy. You are encouraged to use the liturgy provided to observe the foot washing (or handwashing) at home, to symbolize Jesus's life and death of service for the world. Join us for this powerful service that begins the Triduum, the holiest three days of the Christian year.
Fri, April 2 at 7 PM
On the second day of the Triduum we walk with Jesus, his mother, and the disciples as Jesus offers himself, through his faithfulness and death, for the world. This service very much lends itself to be live-streamed, and we hope you will go through this most difficult liturgy, together.
Sat, April 3 at 9 AM
This simple service remembers that Jesus's offering of himself--his giving up of his authority and might--did not reach its end at the shame of the cross, but went even lower into death, the grave, and even hell itself.