The Kingdom of Heaven is Like...
A Lenten Study of the Parables
(Lenten Lunch & Study with Ministerium)
Wednesdays in March at 11:30 AM
Lunch Provided
"The Kingdom of Heaven is like..." So started many of Jesus's parables. This unique teaching method, Jesus's parables carry a lot of meaning and worth today! These timeless stories help us deeper understand God's love for us, the meaning of salvation, and how we live as Christians. During this season of Lent, the Wenonah, Mantua, Woodbury Heights, and West Deptford Ministerium will be exploring these parables at our annual Lenten Lunch & Study.
Join us Wednesdays in March at 11:30 AM for prayer, discussion, and lunch!
March 01 The Sower Holy Trinity (Wenonah)
March 08 The Lost Sheep/Coin Holy Nativity (Wenonah)
March 15 The Prodigal Son Mantua UMC (Mantua)
March 22 The Good Samaritan St. Paul's (W. Deptford)
March 29 The Wicket Tenants Memorial Pres (Wenonah)
If you are interested in helping to set-up or make soup for the March 1 meeting at Holy Trinity, please contact Fr. Ben.